Anak Piatu


Ada pesanan, dalam ombak putih

Ada ceritra, dalam angin dunia

Rahasia, asalku hilang

Benar beta tau, mungking kami bage

Apakah dasar, kami memilik

Adalah sebab, atau ini kami pun nasib

Tudjuan hidupkuh, sekarang apa

Kamu sudah pergi, ke dunia seberang

Dorang bilang, manusia musti hidup

Dan menggelami, gelombang kehidupan e

Sioh siapa, bisa tundjuk djalang hidup

Anak anak, anak piatu

Anak anak, yatim piatu


There is a message in every white wave

There is a story in every wind gone by

The secret of my heritage is lost

Though I am sure we would have shared

What is the reason why we were chosen

Is there a specific why, or is it just our fate

Our life’s purpose, what is it now

Now that you have crossed over to the other world

Wise men say, a person must live

And undergo and experience the waves of life

But who can lead the way

For us half-orphaned children

For us orphaned children