Life Is Worth Living


Must be worth a try, must be worth a cry

Does it make them change, does it rearrange

Do we have to add something else instead

Or is this good, growing better

What else can we do, in order to improve

Those humans down below, what else can we show

So they understand, take love in their hands

And make life worth living

And so the day was made for lovers

Yes each time they meet, the Gods will come and greet

The ones who made their wishes all come true

Let there be peace for you

As the Gods went on, the heavens sung their songs

Humans they began to see and understand

No more fights, no more wars

We have to change our course

And make way for loving

And so the night was made for lovers

Yes each time they meet, the Gods they come and greet

The ones who made their wishes all come true

Let there be love for you, and we’ll sing

Life, life is worth living

Don’t you see life

Life is a journey

Destined to show us that

Love, love is worth giving

Make sure to love

Or else your life

Will have wasted time