
Dalam perdjalanan hidup, kamilah berpisa, tjari hiduplah djauh darimuh

Sekarang beta djauh disini, engkau djauh disana, dan angin dunia beribut

Tetapi djangan tumpah air matamuh

Beta minta hidupmuh sentosa

Djangan rindu rindu hatimu

Karna perdjalanankuh berdosa

Beta tidalah mejangkal didik peraturan moyang moyangku sungguh hati

Tetapi satu kali bimbang, satu kali djatu biarpun djiwakuh tidah mau mengakhu

Tetapi djangan tumpah air matamuh

Beta minta hidupmuh sentosa

Djangan rindu rindu hatimu

Karna perdjalanankuh berdosa

Perdjalanan Dosa


Within the road of life we are separated, burdened through having to earn a living far from one another

Now I am here, far away from you

And you are there, far away from me

And the winds of life keep on raging

Shed no tears

I only ask and hope you live out of harm’s way

Please don’t long for me

For my path has become one of sin

I do not deny the teachings and ways of my ancestors

This I can say with all my heart

But once you waver and once you fall it is over

Even if your soul does not want to admit it

Shed no tears

I only ask and hope you live out of harm’s way

Please don’t long for me

For my path has become one of sin