

When the world stops turning

When time seems to falter

When colours start fading

When even the smell of food eludes memory

Then you know it is


For granted I take the laughter of children

For granted I take the joyful faces near

For granted I take the comfort of a warm meal

But now that I have seen, I know to never take for granted


Like every flower remembers Spring, and

every butterfly becomes aware of her scent

So the gemstone shall, even from the deepest of darkness,

remember to share its sparkle with the heavens when facing the sun

So shall I always be the victorious one


And the mystic spoke

When I thought I had found it, I already lost it

When I thought I fathomed the secret, her doors closed even further

When I fought to restrain her, I lost with a sigh

Let me release her in hope to receive her sympathy

Her magic

And thousands of lives have gone by

Thousands of tears have flowed

Thousands of deaths have died

Thousands of times laughter has filled the world

Let thousands of dreams do justice to what in

Thousands of wishes have been asked to the Gods

Be one in thousands

My child

When selfishness is transcended through nobleness

When loved ones become dearer than oneself

When fears are overcome by true love

There always be but one winner


And the Creator asked the tree; what do you need?

And the tree answered, water my Lord

And the Creator asked the butterfly; what do you need?

And the butterfly answered, the wind my Lord

And the Creator asked the child; what do you need?

And the child answered, love my Lord

When a wish suffices no longer

When laws are violated

When love is sacrificed

There has conquered

The illusion of power

Let it be the fabric of dreams

Let her live amongst the stars

Let her sound bring serenity, and be a mirror to mankind

Let harmony be her master, and the heart her servant

Let her be


She was meant for life

to be of guidance

She was meant to relief darkness

in claiming her space

Never was she meant to scorch, and

never to mislead

Always to help us navigate

And the Creator spoke

Let there be light

Light and darkness are her souls

Radiant colours her countenance

Where creation and destruction serve her existence

Where spoken word is elevated to law

In that dream I have lived and loved

In Your dream my Creator, there was my


Here there is no place for fear,

Not that it isn’t welcome

But it would feel uncomfortable

Here there is no place for disbelief or incomprehension,

Not that they aren’t welcome,

But their reflection in my soul would leave them spurned

Here there is no place for cowardice and helplessness,

Not that they aren’t welcome,

But we have nothing to say to one another

This will always be a place of peace

My sanctuary

Here, in my love for you


Photo by Ama Ina


Earth and Sky